At present only PDF and raw text is avaiable for this file at: Good God ... Continuing High Levels of Arrogance NUCLEAR POWER: A SUGGESTION FOR INSURING THE UNINSURABLE... A New Kind of "Direct Action" To Restore Our Rights Remarks of John W. Gofman, M.D., Ph.D. at The MUSE Anti-Nuclear Rally Battery City Park, New York City; September 23, 1979 John W. Gofman is Professor Emeritus of Medical Physics, University of California at Berkeley. He is also Chairman of the Committee for Nuclear Responsibility, POB 11207, San Francisco, CA 94101, and author of the new book "IRREVY", An Irreverent, Illustrated View of Nuclear Power. November 1, 1979 OTHER NEW ITEMS AVAILABLE FROM CNR 1. "Solving the Nuclear Power Problem", May 6, Washington DC Rally; 2 sheets. 2. "Nuclear Booster Changes His Mind", May 13,. Philadelphia Bulletin interview w. JWG; 1 pg. 3. "Radiation Ethics: Some Questions", June 30, Diablo Canyon Rally; 3 sheets. 4. "Nuclear Power: The Need for a Fog-Cutter", Summer 79, National Forum Magazine; 4 sheets. 5. "Back to the Caves?" One-sheet flyer about immediate alternatives to nukes; cartoons. 6. "Nuclear Power: A Suggestion for Insuring the Uninsurable ... A New Kind of Direct Action", Sept 23, MUSE Rally in New York City; 2 sheets. 7. "Which Way for the Anti-Nuclear Movement?", Oct. 79 Libertarian Review interview w. JWG. 8. "Radiation Revolt", Oct. 5 Harvard Crimson review of CNR's book "IRREVY" (see below). 9. "A Question of Coincidence: Deceit in the Energy Game", Sept-Oct Energy Review; 2 sheets. 10. "The Kemeny Commission Report on the Accident at Three Mile Island", Nov. l; 2 sheets. 11. TAPE CASSETTE: Two high-quality radio tapes of Dr. Gofman on one cassette: his 47-minute extemporaneous testimony 4/4/79 to the California Senate ("Sizzling!", said one reporter about it) plus his 30-minute interview ("soft-spoken") at Harrisburg , PA 5/8/79. The Senate testimony includes the credibility issue (which experts to believe); the Pennsylvania interview includes the immediately available alternatives to nuclear power, and what citizens can do to protect themselves from nuclear power. $5.50. 12. BOOK: An Irreverent, Illustrated View of Nuclear Power ("IRREVY"), by John W. Gofman; $3.95 for a single copy; 40% discount on a full box (16 books for $37.92). CNR pays for the shipping. Additional Items To Be Available Soon: 13. "Do Coal-Fired Plants Emit More Radioactivity Than Nukes?" 14. "Comments on Dr. Radha Roy's Claim that Nuclear Wastes Can Be Detoxified". 15. "Nuclear Responsibility: The Ethics of the Use of Nuclear Power"; Oct. 20 Humanities Symposium in Marshall, MN. 16. "Nuclear Power: A Challenge for Free-Market Advocates"; Sept. 6 to the Libertarian National Convention. 17. Transcript of testimony to the California Senate (see tape cassette above). 18. "The Question of Radiation Causation of Cancer in Hanford Workers", Nov. 79 Health Physics Journal; this is an extensive technical paper which will elevate the level of discussion about low-and-slow-dose radiation, age-sensitivity, etc. POISONED POWER: THE CASE AGAINST NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS Poisoned Power, by Gofman and Tamplin, 1971, is the book which Michael Gray says inspired him to write the film, The China Syndrome. The publisher has now reprinted it with an up-date on Three Mile Island and on energy-efficiency. CNR has no copies yet. Inquiries should be sent directly to Rodale Press Book Division, Emmaus, PA 18049. $9.95. "Nuclear reactors are even safer than we thought", says Dr. Edward Teller in a Wall Street Journal ad after Three-Mile-Island. He adds "Jane Fonda , not reactors, is dangerous"---alluding to his heart attack after spending 20 hours per day countering Jane Fonda about the accident. From my long researches on heart disease I could have cautioned Dr. Teller about the cardiac unwisdom of any man spending 20 hours per day thinking about Jane. Now that Dr. Teller has established the safety of nuclear power by fiat, the time has come to restore our natural and Constitutional rights to life for us and our descendants as well as our right to our property. All these rights have been viciously stripped from us through Government via the Price-Anderson law and through the outrageous benefit-risk doctrine presently supported by the Courts. These actions, as Un-American as imaginable, hold that in order to enjoy some alleged benefits, it is perfectly all right to sacrifice, that is, to kill, a certain number of Americans each year. It is folly to expect that the government that has robbed us of our rights can be expected to restore them. We have the right and the duty to restore our Constitutional and natural rights to life and property, and we must do it by direct action on our own part. We must see to it that the utilities begin now to take the financial responsibility that is the only restraint against the monstrous recklessness of nuclear power, a responsibility removed through government's sponsorship of the Price-Anderson abuse of our lives and property. The restoration of financial responsibility will, of course, end nuclear power simply because utilities will not continue to be reckless with dollars at stake. But with Dr. Teller's re-assurance we can test, using New York as an illustration, Consolidated Edison's sincerity in their claims of safety for Indian Point. I propose the following action: 1. A rate-payer's organization be formed in New York demanding that Con Edison provide, for $1 per month, full insurance coverage for life and property damage from Indian Point (the cost should be zero if Dr. Teller is right). Nothing in the Price-Anderson Act prevents Con Edison from selling insurance to its customers. 2. Should Con Ed refuse, we can infer they too believe the risk is in the Billions of dollars, and the only recourse for all -2 New Yorkers would be to acquire immediately the minimum self-insurance necessary, an action deeply consistent with every American's right to self-defense. 3. The way to do this is for every New Yorker to set aside $200 or more each month for self-insurance, and to bill Con Ed for this insurance. If your electricity bill is $100, and your self-insurance is $200, simply send Con Ed a bill for the difference, $100 per month. 4. It is imperative that New Yorkers let Con Edison know they refuse to be terrorized further by the Indian Point nukes. This entire approach is also humane, since by preventing a major accident at Indian Point, we may prevent a second heart attack in Dr. Teller as he labors to explain why it could not have happened.